- #Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai mac os#
- #Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai install#
- #Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai drivers#
- #Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai update#
If you ever do go legit and want to undo it, just reboot into recovery mode and run csrutil enable, and things will be back where you left them.Canon does not have a scanner driver for High Sierra Os. You might be better off just buying legit Apple hardware so you don't have to disable the security. If you're in doubt, please make the decision that makes the most sense for your security concerns. This also disables malware protection for your machine, and given that we've started to see genuine malware for OS X in the wild, it's a slightly larger security risk than it was in Yosemite. The csrutil disable step turns off SIP for your entire system, which allows you to load and use the drivers.
#Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai mac os#
As "unsigned" drivers, Mac OS refuses to load them, saying they constitute a security hazard.
#Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai drivers#
The old drivers still work, no problem, but are being blocked in El Capitan because they aren't "signed" properly, since they weren't re-issued for El Capitan. Apple has a new security mode, called "System Integrity Protection" (SIP) that prevents anyone - even you with your password - from modifying system files. In short, it's the same scenario as Yosemite, just stricter. If you ever do go legit and want to undo it, just run sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=0, and things will be back where you left them. This is a mild security risk, but it should be fine for most people. What step 5 does is instructs your computer to set itself to "developer mode", which allows you to load unsigned kexts.

The old drivers still work, no problem, but are being blocked in Yosemite because they aren't "signed" properly, since they weren't re-issued for Yosemite.
#Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai install#

#Canoscan lide 100 driver for el capitai update#
Update Oct 2015: Updated for 10.11 El Capitan!