Frequently, Loc Dog fires the Desert Eagle with the sideways "gangsta grip" that is stereotypically associated with gangbangers in cinema. When Ashtray (Shawn Wayans) moves to South Central L.A. His Desert Eagle is fitted with a scope and a BA-2 laser pointer under the barrel. Loc Dog ( Marlon Wayans) carries an IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII as his main weapon throughout the movie.

2 Submachine Guns/Semi-Auto Assault Pistols.(DVD, 2005, Collectors Edition) 56 product ratings About this product. This was a well-crafted parody of a genre that's practically been begging to be made fun of. 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 133 product ratings. Knowing what Don't Be A Menace was parodying though, I found this film sickly enjoyable, with several such preposterously far-fetched scenes, I couldn't help but laughing out loud.
Don't Be A Menace has a flowing plot of sorts, and driven characters, it's just that without having seen any of the films this movie spoofs, the material may come off as being a tad more tasteless, racist, and offensive than normal. However, Don't Be A Menace doesn't sink to the level of Leslie Nielsen's Spy Hard, and the upcoming Wrongfully Accused, two films whose humor comes entirely with the supposedly hilarious recreations of other recent popular films. Despite its style and satirical comic grace, Don't Be A Menace is one of those spoofs that just isn't as funny if the viewer hasn't been familiarized with the 'growing up in the hood' films this movie parodies. Loc Dog, one of the more comically over-stated characters of the '90's, has gone so far as to remove the water from his water cooler, and replaced it with malt liquor. 'don't be a menace to society while drinking juice.

One of these clichés, the notion that people in the 'hood drink large quantities of malt liquor, is so inflated by Beauman and the Wayans' script, that the characters in Don't Be A Menace never actually eat solid food, favoring 40 ounce bottles of malt liquor for every meal and occasion. ohmy90s Tumblr 'don't be a menace to society while drinking juice in the hood'. Writers Shawn and Marlon Wayans, and Phil Beauman examine the re-occurring characters, situations, and themes in the other serious 'growing up in the hood' films including Menace to Society, South Central, Juice, and Boyz in the Hood, just to mention those films lampooned in this films title, and have taken those ideas, and blown them completely out of proportion. Together Ashtray and Loc Dog traverse the 'hood, meeting unfriendly Korean grocery store owners, gang-bangers living as if they were still in jail, and a woman whose seven children greet any and all men that they meet with the cry of "are you my daddy?" This is hardly fodder for a rally on politically correct cinema, but I enjoyed Don't Be A Menace for just that reason. Marlon Wayans plays Loc Dog, Ashtray's best friend, who debates about the fashion merits of carrying an uzi with highto ps, has a Soviet nuclear missile in the back of his truck, and has a stash of marijuana larger than Chris Webber's. Shawn Wayans plays Ashtray, a naive teenager, who moves into the 'hood so he can live with his father and learn "to become a man". Shawn and Marlon Wayans wrote and starred in a comedic pull no punches, parody of the 'growing up in the hood' genre. And that pretty well set the humorous tone for the rest of the film. As Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (Don't Be A Menace) opened, I was greeted with a shocking pair of statistics: "One out of every ten black males will be forced to sit through at least one 'Growing Up in the Hood' movie in their lifetime." "At least one out of five will be shot in the theater while watching the movie".